Go Deep California
Freediving Competition
The first Freediving Depth Competition
ever held in the United States
under AIDA's official rules.

Where: Lake Berryessa, San Francisco Bay Area, California.

When: September 14-15th, 2024.

Disciplines: FIM, CWTB, CWT, CNF.

Max depth: 69 meters.

Rules & Rankings: AIDA.

Air temperature: 90 F

Water surface temperature: 76 F

Thermocline: 8m

Water temperature at depth: 55 F

Currents: none

Visibility: 1m above the thermocline, 10m below

Competition line with counterballast and high resolution sonar.

3 warmup lines to 30m.

Dry warmup available at the performance zone.

Evacuation boat and emergency O2.

  • John Prins
    John is a freediving Instructor Trainer, Judge and Athlete and the founder of Fins and Foam Freediving, the Bay Area's source for freediving classes and gear.
  • Forrest Koenig
    Forrest is a freediving Judge and Athlete, and the designer and builder of our custom-made platform.
  • Monica Schmiede
    Monica is a freediving Judge, Athlete and Instructor who is passionate about building the California freediving community.
  • Johnny Sunnex
    Chief of Safety
    Johnny is a 110m freediver, former Chief of Safety at Vertical Blue, world record coach, and Organizer of the world record status Blue Element freediving competition in Dominica.
  • Laura Melroy
    Head Judge
    Laura is a freediving Judge and Instructor based in the Bay Area who works in biotech and loves marine biology.
  • Dr Bizo Silva, MD MSc DiDMM
    Head Medic
    Dr Silva is a freediving Instructor and Athlete, and Doctor of Emergency Medicine at the Kaiser Emergency Room in Davis with a specialization in Diving and Marine Medicine.
  • Blaine McClish
    Head of Platform
    Blaine is a Captain and Master Mariner responsible for the competition's platform.
  • Jason Brown
    Jason is a freediving Athlete and Safety based in the Bay Area who honed his anchoring skills while pioneering the Bay Area's most difficult freediving spot, Horseshoe Bay.
  • Eric Pan
    Eric is a freediving Judge, Athlete and Instructor based in the Bay Area who is passionate about building the California freediving community.
Media coverage of the competition
  • Source of freediving in the Bay Area.
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  • Artistic, 3D printed freediving gear.
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